Enter your question you'd like to find relevant questions & answers for here. This cannot be blank when you click the Search button (2) or Q&A Grabber will alert you that you haven't entered a phrase/question.
If you'd like to spin the existing content in the Results Field (3) you can do so by clicking the Spin button - note that if you already have spinning enabled and either Spin Questions or Spin Answers (or both), you don't need to manually spin as the software will do that during the scrape.
The Save button saves the current text in the Results Field (3) to a text file (a slightly faster shortcut than clicking the Export Button, then choosing "Text" from the export format dropdown).
This label shows the current progress of your scrape. It will show "Initializing Engine" when starting, then it will show what number of question/answer pairs it's found so far, out of how many total (total can be set in the Settings Interface). When finished, it will revert to "Idle."