RSS Grabber
User guide

Main Interface

Main Interface

Help Button

1. Help Button

Settings Button

2. Settings Button

Source Drop Down

3. Source Drop Down
Choose which platform you'd like to find relevant RSS Feeds from. Options include:
All Sources: Searches each entered keyword across all sources (Blogs, YouTube, Tumblr, Vimeo, and Pinterest) and attempts to find RSS feeds for each found result.
Blogs: Searches Google for blogs ranking for the keyword(s) entered in the Keyword Field (5), and checks found blogs to see if they have an RSS feed.
YouTube: Searches Google for YouTube videos and channels ranking for the keyword(s) entered in the Keyword Field (5), then extracts the RSS feeds for the found YouTube channels and users.
Tumblr: Searches Google for Tumblrs ranking for the keyword(s) entered in the Keyword Field (5), then extracts the RSS feeds for the found Tumblr results.
Vimeo: Searches Vimeo for videos ranking for the keyword(s) entered in the Keyword Field (5), then analyzes the users/channels associated with these videos to extract the RSS feeds for these results.
Pinterest: Searches Google for Pinterest boards ranking for the keyword(s) entered in the Keyword Field (5), then extracts the RSS feeds for the found Pinterest boards & users.
Manual: Analyzes each URL entered in the Keywords Field (5) to see if an RSS feed can be located for the entered URLs.

Search Mode Drop Down

4. Search Mode Drop Down
Choose what criteria you'd like to search the selected sources by. Options include:
Authority: Finds the highest-ranking results in Google (or Vimeo if selected as the target source) for the keywords entered in the Keywords Field (5), regardless of freshness.
This Year: Finds top-ranking results in Google (or Vimeo if selected as the target source) that have had content added within the last 365 days.
This Month: Finds top-ranking results in Google (or Vimeo if selected as the target source) that have had content added within the last ~30 days.
This Week: Finds top-ranking results in Google (or Vimeo if selected as the target source) that have had content added within the last 7 days.
Today: Finds top-ranking results in Google (or Vimeo if selected as the target source) that have had content added within the last 24 hours.

Keywords Field

5. Keywords Field
Enter the keywords you'd like to find RSS feeds for based on the source selected in the Source Drop Down (3) - one keyword per line. The software will work through each keyword based on your search mode as set in the Search Mode Drop Down (4).

Start Button

6. Start Button
Initiates the search based on your selected source as set in the Source Drop Down (3), selected search mode as set in the Search Mode Drop Down (4) and entered Keywords/URLs as set in the Keywords Field (5) (required). While the software is running, the Start Button will change to a Stop Button, which you can click to end the current scraping session.

Overall Status Label

7. Overall Status Label
Shows the current overall progress - the numbers shown will be in the format X/Y - where X is the total number of keywords (or URLs) the software has processed, and Y is the total number of keywords (or URLs) to process.

Current Status Label

8. Current Status Label
Shows the current progress for the current Keyword (how many results have been found for the current search).

Results Grid

9.  Results Grid
Shows the results for the current scrape. Data shown includes the website title, the found URL, the RSS feed URL, the keyword used to find the URL/feed, the source, and the search mode. You can utilize the checkbox column to select & deselect results to use with the other buttons as outlined below.

Select All Button

10. Select All Button
Selects all results in the Results Grid (9).

Select None Button

11. Select None Button
De-selects all results in the Results Grid (9).

Delete Duplicates Button

12. Delete Duplicates Button
Removes duplicate RSS feeds in the Results Grid (9) - useful when searching for multiple similar keywords per source & session.

Delete Selected Button

13. Delete Selected Button
Deletes the selected RSS feeds/results.

Export Selected Button

14. Export Selected Button
Exports the selected RSS feeds/results to a CSV file that can be opened with Microsoft Excel, Open Office, etc.

Export All Button

15. Export All Button
Exports all shown RSS feeds/results in the Results Grid (9) to a CSV file that can be opened with Microsoft Excel, Open Office, etc.

Open URLs Button

16. Open URLs Button
Opens the select URLs in your default browser so you can view the website(s) and judge their quality when selecting RSS feeds to export and utilize.