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Default Folder Field
Shows the folder/path where exported content will be saved. This field is not directly editable, and must be set by choosing a folder with the Select Button (2).
Select Button
Opens a folder selector that allows you to choose the default folder/path to save exports to. The folder selected here will show in the Default Folder Field (1).
Keyword Tag Drop Down
Choose which HTML tag you would like to wrap keywords in during HTML exports.
Options Include:
Snippet Tag Drop Down
Choose which HTML tag you would like to wrap snippets in during HTML exports.
Options Include:
Convert Keywords to Questions check
When enabled, each keyword will be appended with a question mark (?) during export, regardless of export format.
Title Case Keywords check
When enabled, each keyword will be converted to Title Case (each word capitalized) during export, regardless of export format.
Include URLs in CSV Exports check
When enabled, scraped snippet URLs will be included in an extra column during CSV exports.
Include <script> Tags check
When enabled, JSON content will be wrapped in <json> tags during FAQ Schema - JSON exports.
Save button
If you wish to save the changes to your settings, click this button to store the Export Settings within the software.