Q&A Grabber
User guide

Main Interface

Main Interface

Settings Button

1. Settings Button
Opens the Settings Interface where you can choose your target engine/region, configure spin settings, adjust delays and more.

Help Button

2. Help Button
Opens the Help Window where you can open the user guide (this guide) or contact support.

Target Engine/Region Label

3. Target Engine/Region Label
Shows which engine/region your scrapes (Single and Bulk) will target. This can be changed in the Settings Interface.

Scrape Section

4. Scrape Section
The main area where you'll scrape and view results. There are two tabs, the first (default) tab is the Single Scrape Interface where you can enter a question and Q&A Grabber will return top questions and answers from Google (if any are present). The second tab is the Bulk Scrape Interface where you can enter a list of questions and Q&A Grabber will work through the list and save the results in a project folder. Please see the individual Interface sections for information about how to use both Single & Bulk scraping.