Enter the keywords you want QuestionPulse to monitor for new questions in this field. Enter one keyword at a time, and click the Add Keyword Button (2) to save the keyword to the monitor list.
You will see each keyword added to the Monitored Keyword List (3) as you add new keywords.
Adds the keyword entered in the Add Keyword Field (1) and commits the keywords to the monitor list (which can be seen in the Monitored Keywords List (3)).
Each keyword in the monitored keyword list will appear in this list after being added (by using the Add Keyword Field (1) and Add Keyword Button (2)).
Clicking any of the keywords in the list will select it, so you can delete it from the monitor list (by using the Delete Keyword Button (4)) or add/remove blacklist keywords for the selected target keyword by using the Blacklist Keyword Field (5), Add Blacklist Keyword Button (6), Remove Blacklist Keyword From Blacklist Button (9), and/or Clear Blacklist Button (10).
Deletes the keyword selected in the Monitored Keywords List (3). Deleting the selected keyword will remove any blacklist keywords associated with the target keyword to delete, and will clear the database of any questions found using this keyword. You will be prompted to confirm the delete, where you can proceed or cancel the action.
Enter the keywords you want QuestionPulse to ignore for each monitored keyword. First, select a keyword in the Monitored Keywords List (3), then enter a relevant keyword to ignore when scraping the target monitored keyword, then click the Add Blacklist Keyword Button (5) to commit the blacklist keyword to the database. Once added, the keyword will show inthe Blacklisted Keyword List (8) whenever the associated monitored keywords is clicked in the Monitored Keywords List (3).
Saves the keyword entered in the Blacklist Keyword Field (5) to the database. Note: A monitored keyword must be selected before a blacklist keyword can be added.
Shows the monitored keyword selected in the Monitored Keywords List (3) as an extra confirmation for which keyword you're adding new blacklist keywords to.
Shows the list of blacklisted keywords associated with the monitored keyword selected in the Monitored Keywords List (3). Thist list will refresh and update as you change your selected monitored keyword. QuestionPulse will ignore any questions found for a given keyword that contain these blacklisted keywords.
Removes the currently-selected keyword from the Blacklisted Keyword List (8). Once removed, QuestionPulse will no longer ignore questions containing this now-deleted keyword during future scrapes.